Welcome to the Moving Oxford blog! Follow myself and the team on our journey to a day of dance at Oxford Town Hall on November 7th. You can read a bit about each team member in the profiles below. Happy reading and we hope to see you on the day! For all event details and contact please visit the facebook page:

Monday 25 October 2010

Check out Moving Oxford's mention on Georgina Harper's blog!


After writing to my MP through Dancevote UK, here is my reply...

The Government fully recognises the tremendous artistic, economic and social impact of
arts organisations across the UK and will continue to support great art projects and dance
across the country through Arts Council England (ACE). ACE, as experts in the field, make
independent decisions about how and where funding is delivered, and do so at arm’s length
from Government. However, it is important that arts organisations also support themselves
in new ways, such as those which you mention and through a mixture of public support,
admission receipts and private giving.

The DCMS needs to contribute to government savings, and arts and culture have a role
towards this difficult end. Wherever possible savings need to be found from administrative
efficiency, which is the best way to minimise the direct impact upon practitioners who deliver
arts on the frontline, and contribute in such a valuable way to wellbeing and the economy of
the country. The Government is, however, confident that by increasing the amount of
National Lottery money going to the arts, and the drive to encourage greater philanthropy
and sponsorship, it can help to generate money for the sector from other sources.

However, at this time of financial austerity there is a need for prudence, and decisions on
Government spending will be measured in that context.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Moving onwards and upwards..

Well our third session has been and gone and we are now under a month away from the big event! Time flies! Maddy’s beautifully designed posters and flyers have been produced and are being distributed as we speak so here’s hoping families are penciling it into their calenders. As a team, we are all busy making plans, promoting and organising the event before our next session; it’s really important for us to spread the word to all towns and villages in Oxfordshire and beyond.  Our first drop off points were the charity outlets of Cowley Road and the 02 Carling Academy, whose manager made an informed decision of whether or not our event was right for him to promote...i’m sure as soon as he saw the pretty flyers he was convinced!
Our sessions so far have been an overview of budgets, SWOT analysis, project plans, marketing strategies and evaluations – a lot to take in! But with most of us being students and graduates with brains like sponges, I think we're all taking it in our strides. Angela has taught us the importance of knowing our target demographics and therefore our aims and objectives for Moving Oxford as an event. At the moment, whilst working as a team at large, we are divided into two key areas – creative and management, which is helping us to spread the workload evenly and keep on top of everything that needs doing. However, there will no doubt be points where we’ll all overlap and I can see a mass team effort happening on the actual day!
Well, our next meeting is on Saturday..keep checking for news on here on how we're getting on. You can also check us out on facebook and twitter.
H x

Moving Oxford gets support from MOVE IT's Georgina Harper

“It’s really great to see that MOVE IT has inspired dance in Oxford and all over the UK” Georgina Harper, Creative Director, MOVE IT

Check out http://www.moveitdance.co.uk/ for info on the next MOVE IT event in March!

Moving Oxford will also be featured on Georgina's blog: http://georginaharper.blog.co.uk

Monday 18 October 2010

Hayley Irwin

Describe yourself in 3 words: Caring, conscientious and determined
Favourite genre of dance: Ballet/Jazz
Loves: Glastonbury, dogs and peanut butter
Hates: Ignorance, schauvanism and people who are rude about vegetarians
Greatest/proudest moment: winning a choreography competition at 17 and finding out I got a 2.1 in my degree
Ambition in life: to be happy and live life to the full

Sunday 17 October 2010

Sarah Furness

Describe yourself in 3 words: Loving, bubbly and conscientious
Favourite genre of dance: Contemporary
Loves: Family/friends, holidays and dancing
Hates: Peas, people that are moody and rude for no reason,
and student debt.
Greatest/proudest moment: Graduating
Ambition in life: To be happy and fulfilled with my life - career
wise, as well as in my personal life. Hopefully this will include
travelling the world and maybe winning the lottery!:)