Welcome to the Moving Oxford blog! Follow myself and the team on our journey to a day of dance at Oxford Town Hall on November 7th. You can read a bit about each team member in the profiles below. Happy reading and we hope to see you on the day! For all event details and contact please visit the facebook page:

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Moving onwards and upwards..

Well our third session has been and gone and we are now under a month away from the big event! Time flies! Maddy’s beautifully designed posters and flyers have been produced and are being distributed as we speak so here’s hoping families are penciling it into their calenders. As a team, we are all busy making plans, promoting and organising the event before our next session; it’s really important for us to spread the word to all towns and villages in Oxfordshire and beyond.  Our first drop off points were the charity outlets of Cowley Road and the 02 Carling Academy, whose manager made an informed decision of whether or not our event was right for him to promote...i’m sure as soon as he saw the pretty flyers he was convinced!
Our sessions so far have been an overview of budgets, SWOT analysis, project plans, marketing strategies and evaluations – a lot to take in! But with most of us being students and graduates with brains like sponges, I think we're all taking it in our strides. Angela has taught us the importance of knowing our target demographics and therefore our aims and objectives for Moving Oxford as an event. At the moment, whilst working as a team at large, we are divided into two key areas – creative and management, which is helping us to spread the workload evenly and keep on top of everything that needs doing. However, there will no doubt be points where we’ll all overlap and I can see a mass team effort happening on the actual day!
Well, our next meeting is on Saturday..keep checking for news on here on how we're getting on. You can also check us out on facebook and twitter.
H x

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