Welcome to the Moving Oxford blog! Follow myself and the team on our journey to a day of dance at Oxford Town Hall on November 7th. You can read a bit about each team member in the profiles below. Happy reading and we hope to see you on the day! For all event details and contact please visit the facebook page:

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Amandine Limtouch

Describe yourself in 3 words: curious, active and sincere
Favourite genre of dance: contemporary
Loves: hands on activities, the outdoors, and the ambience and nature of grassroot and cultural festivals. I  really like to be apart of cultural experiences abroad, and catching the odd smile from a grumpy man
Hates: ignorance, not being able to let my hair and others down once in awhile, and not enough time or money to try out as many things as possible
greatest achieevement: many,  currently being given the chance to fulfil an MA in choroegraphy.
Ambition in life: to travel and work as a choreographer

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