Welcome to the Moving Oxford blog! Follow myself and the team on our journey to a day of dance at Oxford Town Hall on November 7th. You can read a bit about each team member in the profiles below. Happy reading and we hope to see you on the day! For all event details and contact please visit the facebook page:

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Get Oxford Moving...

Hi there and welcome to the Moving Oxford blog. As I am writing this, myself and my fellow team members have already completed two fifths of our journey towards the Moving Oxford event and while slightly daunting, it is all actually starting to take shape and getting very exciting!
To start from the beginning, Moving Oxford was an event inspired by Rachel Pedley’s visit to Move it in London in 2009. With an idea in mind to take her experience and turn it into something positive for Oxfordshire, Rachel put forward her call for volunteer event managers to take part in a training course and put their new-found skills into practise . Through South East Dance, we came together as a team to put on Moving Oxford! While we are all from different backgrounds, dancing and otherwise, we share a passion for dance and all have the desire to gain events experience for ourselves. Thrown together, we are working to come up with a day of workshops, networking, careers advice and live performances in what will hopefully be an inspirational dance event for the community on November 7th..
Personally, I’ve never been part of such a big team effort, nor ever so directly involved in the hard work that goes into planning and delivering a successful event; the processes that I am learning are really opening my eyes and there’s still a lot more to come! To kick start the blog, I want to introduce the team behind the scenes...H x

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